Sunday, February 26, 2012

Project Laundry Room

So my laundry has been driving me nuts! It is small, cramped and just felt cluttered. We have been talking about putting in a cabinet above the washer and dryer since we moved in. But we have never gotten around to it. Then I got thinking about it decided why do we need a cabinet I could just buy a shelf.

So the other day I was at Ikea and found this shelf for $30. It was a steal so I bought it and Brad installed it the right as I got home. I love that we are the same with wanting to get things done and put away so there aren't incomplete projects laying all over the place. Cooper was right along side daddy with a screw driver helping! I'm sad I didn't get a picture of it!

It is amazing how much better the laundry room feels. It is hard to tell from the pictures but it really is a huge difference!!! Cooper can't reach the laundry soap and dump it every where, there is more room, and the laundry baskets don't have to be on top of the washer and dryer. We have had this hamper since we got married. Brad used to use it in "his" bathroom before we made his bathroom Coopers bathroom and started sharing "my" bathroom. But we haven't been using it since then so this was a perfect spot for it. We usually undress Cooper downstairs so just take his dirty clothes directly into the laundry room. Now we have somewhere to put them other than just a laundry basket on top of the dryer.

Of course being me I had to make the laundry room cuter too! I have been on this crazy crafting spree lately. I just LOVE making stuff. I found this idea on a blog and knew I had to make one. But I didn't love the one I found so I made it my own. I am so happy with how it turned out. I just love it! We were constantly looking for the keys between Brad's work bag, my purse, the diaper bag, coats, the counter, etc. and now it isn't a problem. The laundry room was a perfect place for it so the second we walk in the garage we can hang up our keys!

I made this saying with my Cricut. I put it up and realized it wasn't centered.......I don't even know how that happened. So I had to add the bird afterwards to even it out. I don't know yet if I love the bird or not.

I found these letters at Hobby Lobby. I had wanted to put the word "wash" up for awhile. I couldn't decided what color so just went with the same blue as I did on the key holder.

The laundry room feels so much better now and makes doing laundry more enjoyable! It still feels a little "white" so we will see if I end up painting the walls or something fun :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

time . out . bench

So we have been needing a place for "Time Out" lately. I have wanted to get a time out bench since Cooper was little. I saw one once and knew that I had to make one. A couple of weeks ago I discovered a new unfinished crafts store Poppyseed Projects. When I was there I saw this adorable bench. They have so many cute things there. There are stepping stools that look along the same lines as this bench. I am going to get them and put them in the downstairs bathroom and Cooper's bathroom. ****I just redid Cooper's bathroom and I am redoing the downstairs bathroom and will post that as soon as it is finished**** I love that I am able to paint the bench and stools however I want. It is perfect! I had the bench for a couple of weeks before I actually painted it because I could not decide what color to do. I am putting it on a wall in the kitchen. I wanted it somewhere that it can be seen, used frequently, and not in the way. Cooper loved the bench from the second I brought it home. He uses it for everything..... not just time out. I haven't decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing that he loves it so much.

I decided to go with a mustard yellow. I can't do anymore green in my house....I have a ton. I really was thinking like a turquoise color but it doesn't go with anything downstairs. So I settled on yellow. First I painted the bench yellow. Then I sanded it down to make it look antiqued. Then I stained it over the paint. This made the sanded areas nice and dark, it also gave the yellow a darker color. To finish it off I put a couple coats of a poly acrylic just to seal it and give it a protective layer. I am really happy with how it turned out. It adds some color to my downstairs but isn't too loud.

Cooper still loves his bench. Good thing I got it finished because we have had to use it quite a few times today. Ah the joys of a toddler!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Choo Choo

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Sheeba gave Cooper this amazing train set for Christmas. Grandpa Jim is amazing and making things out of wood. He has made Cooper a Noah's ark, a pull along grass hopper, a boat for the bath tub, some cars, and a smaller version of this train set. I still haven't decided how I want to paint/stain this train set yet so it is just unfinished wood for now. The other day I heard Cooper making a vroom vroom sound (this is the sound for all cars/trucks/trains) and I caught him pushing around his train set. But of course once I pulled out the camera he stopped. But I still got a little clip of it. He is such a boy with the way he plays! I love it!!!

Bonus: You get a little glimpse of Cooper's work out ever!!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Loves!!!

(The Valentines wreath I made)

Valentines day was a perfect day in our house! I am a romantic at heart and love a day to be a little extra lovey dovey and spend some extra special time with the three boys I love most. I REALLY got spoiled this year. I think Brad is making up for 2 Valentines ago. I got him a Nixon watch and a card and he didn't get me anything :( He will never forget it either! I didn't need anything big just a card or even a hand written note. I wasn't feeling entitled or anything I just wanted something special.....besides I was pregnant so even more emotional and needing to feel loved. But after this year I think I am going to give him a break and not mention it anymore. He earned it for sure!!!! He got me some gorgeous flowers. He told me how he had wanted to create his own bouquet with 6 red roses (the past 6 Valentines we have spent together) and then one other colored rose to represent this year....our 7th Valentines! Wow that still amazes me we have been together for SEVEN YEARS!!!! He couldn't find a place that would let him create his own arrangement so he just got this gorgeous flower arrangement! Just knowing his intentions about the flowers he wanted made me melt. (This Valentines definitely brought out a new side in Brad!!!)

Let me start of explaining that Brad is never updating his status or really commenting on Facebook. If he does it is trying to be funny or making fun of something. He isn't a mushy person by any means either! But yesterday I was surprised with this sweet comment from him posted on my wall:

"Happy Valentines Day! You have made me & my life better in every way imaginable. Thank you, I love you!"

Amazing right??? My day was made just from that one comment! Next he brought me home chocolate covered cinnamon absolute favorite! I almost ate them all last night. I even carried them upstairs to take to bed without even realizing it. I must have subconsciously really wanted them ha ha. He also gave me a funny card (right up his alley) but wrote a really sweet note inside it. Also inside the card was a $150 gift card to Lulu Lemon. I was sooo excited. I have been dying to go but it is so incredibly expensive that I was feeling guilty about getting something from there. He discovered Lulu Lemon on his own and had gotten online and looked at the stuff. He had decided to get me the gift card before even knowing that I had been wanting to go there. We really were meant to be together!
To celebrate with Cooper when he got home we went to dinner at Simply Sushi. We stuffed ourselves full. Cooper was so good and ate his chicken strips and fries like a champ. We were seated by the door and he sat/stood on a chair (he doesn't do high chairs anymore) and people watched the entire time. He definitely is my child!

To top the night off Brad convinced me to stop at the AT&T store on our way home. My iPhone has been struggling and I have been putting off getting a new one. I was trying to wait for the iPhone 5 to come out but since we don't really know when that will be I gave in. We bought me the black iPhone 4s (Brad has the white). Our normal camera is shot.....Cooper thinks it is a toy. I am constantly wanting to take pictures and videos of Cooper and it is a pain getting the camera out every time. So having it all on my phone is going to make life soooo much easier!
Cooper got some new books for Valentines Day. I am obsessed with books so any reason to buy more I jump right on it!

(Yes ignore the fact that my child is wearing his Halloween pajamas in February)

Brad didn't get as spoiled as me! I feel bad. I decided to do 14 days of Valentines for Brad. I went out bought all the stuff, printed off the labels, and started off great the first day. That however is where it ended! I didn't give him his second one until the 13th. So.......I am just going to keep going giving him one each day. I didn't want to just give them all on Valentines. So I will do another post about the 14 days. I got Brad a card from me and then one from Cooper along with some other little things. The best is that Cooper was old enough to contribute to Daddy's card! When did my baby get so old and big???

I love my boys more than I can say. They make my life complete. I have an amazing and blessed life because of them. I couldn't ask for a more perfect husband or baby. They are perfect for me! I need to remember and celebrate it more than just one day a year. I hope they know and never forget how much I love them!

no words

Words can't even explain how funny my little man is. The other day Aspen (my little sister) was sick so she came over to hang out for the day. My mom was in Oklahoma and dad had to go to work. Let me start off by saying Aspen is Cooper's FAVORITE person. He says her name and signs "aunt" all the time, he gets giddy when he sees her, wants her over anyone, will play with her for hours, no one else even exists when she is around. So he was in heaven having her over all day. Cooper has learned how to unzip his pajamas so they often times come off after he gets up in the morning. As I have mentioned before Cooper is OBSESSED with shoes. He constantly is wanting to put shoes on. This day he chose his church shoes to put on. He hung out like this for a couple of hours. Until he took his diaper off, said "bath" and wanted to go upstairs and take a bath. He was completely content and wouldn't have had it any different. It was hilarious watching him stomp around naked with his boots on. I love his little body and would prefer him without clothes anyways!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Super Bowl

As we do every year we had a Super Bowl party at our house. We cooked all day and then vegged and watched the game. Our friends the Haslams, Newbolds, and the Foutz came over. I made homemade meat and veggie empanadas from scratch.....I was proud of myself! I also made some buffalo chicken potato skins which also were fantastic. Brad worked on making some more sushi (we had lots of left over meat and veggies so we wanted to use it up) and then later he made tiger ears (fry bread).

My dad also came over to watch the game. Well really to play with Cooper. They played together all night. The patriots (his team) weren't doing well so he left before it ended because he didn't want to have it rubbed in by Brad when they lost. My dad and Brad have this ongoing battle about whether the Colts or Patriots are better. I think because Peyton Manning (Brad's favorite player) and Tom Brady (the Patriots quarter back) are always being compared it just fuels the fire. Cooper had a blast playing with Papa though!

Cooper being silly with Papa

My dad is not a little kid person. He always jokes he doesn't like any kids other than his own and now his grand kids. But I think secretly he does! Our friends little girls joined Cooper and were playing with Papa. It was so cute...our friends the Foutz little girl Elizabeth who is about a year old than Cooper went and sat down by my dad and said "Will you build blocks with me Papa". She calls her grandpas papa just like Cooper. It was the sweetest thing and melted my dad! Then they all ganged up and attacked!!!

Since Peyton Mannings brother Eli plays for the NY Giants and Brad HATES the Patriots we were routing for the Giants. So of course Brad made he and Cooper put on their Colts gear to support. He was disappointed in me that I didn't go change into my Colts gear as well.

The Giants won so it was a great day!!! It is weird that the football season is over. It went really fast this year. I think it was because Peyton Manning didn't play so they lost all but 2 games so Brad didn't like watching the Colts games. Looking forward to next year!!!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sushi 101

So as I mentioned in our Christmas post my mom gave Brad a sushi cooking class for Christmas. The class was on Friday, January 26th. The only class was in Farmington so we had a little bit of a drive. The class was held at the Harmons cooking school. Let me begin by saying I have never seen a Harmons like this. It wasn't just a grocery store. There was a second floor with tons of seating that over looked the entire store. There was a cafe, sandwich bar, soup bar, Chinese food bar, tons of other foods, salad bar, etc. There was tons of food!!! The cooking school was also upstairs. I wish I would have taken a picture because it was amazing! The class lasted about 2 1/2 hours.

We started out learning some history behind sushi then the chef showed us how to do everything. Then they set us free and let us give it a go. It was so much fun and actually a lot easier than I had expected. Brad of course was pro and made it look easy peasy. A lady even commented on his cutting! The only thing I struggled with was cutting the sushi once it was rolled. It was such a fun date night! There is a sushi 102 that will be taking place in a few months that we want to go back for.

The weekend after the class we had some friends over and had a sushi party. We made cream cheese wontons, orange chicken, sushi (with all of the fixings you need to eat sushi), tempura battered sushi and veggies. It was a lot of fun! But earlier that day I had gone out to the Asian market to get some of the supplies that we would need. Let me just say it was an EXPERIENCE! The smell, from kinds of foods, to the atmosphere and just everything was quite the culture shock. It didn't help that Cooper was being Super fussy and screaming and that we had to stand in the check-out line for over 20 minutes. I will send Brad next time/ My dad took Cooper over to my grandma and grandpas house so we were able to focus on cooking. I got my camera out in the beginning but forgot to take pictures later. I didn't even get pictures of everyone who came over. We did have quite the buffet of rolls however!!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The End of the Challenge

(Torture every time I was at the store)

Our NO JUNK FOOD January challenge is finally OVER!!!!! I have to say that it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.There was a handful of nights when all I wanted was to go veg on stuff in the candy drawer or chips in the pantry but I never gave in! Another huge accomplishment is I haven't eaten at McDonalds in over a month. I don't think that has ever happened. I mean it when I say I am a junk food/fast food junky!!!! I was even tempted to stay up until midnight last night just so I could eat some candy because I was so excited. But it would have been quite pathetic so I didn't. I forgot this morning that I could even eat candy. Brad e-mailed me to see how much candy I had eaten and I hadn't had any yet! I still haven't eaten any. Don't worry though I will get my fill the rest of the day. I was about to work out when I remembered I could eat candy. I figured I would start after my work out.

Brad joked and gave me crap all month and was telling people this is something I MADE him do. But if you know Brad, you know that no one can MAKE him do anything he doesn't want to. He did finally admit though that he was glad to do it. The total weight loss for the month was Brad: 5 pounds and me:3 pounds. Not a ton but at least it was something! That 5 pounds was enough motivation for Brad to keep going with the challenge. He has decided to keep going with it and not eat any candy or junk food still. I will however NOT be continuing. I just can't do that to myself!!!!

I had to admit that I did horrible at working out during this challenge. I did once or twice a week but that was about it. Small steps I guess! Brad works out every morning. I wish I had the discipline he does to wake up early and work out before work. I like to use Cooper waking up in the middle of the night still (teething sucks!!!!) for an excuse. But lets be honest I just am not a morning person and getting out of bed is a challenge regardless of how long I slept, interrupted or not. We used to do 100 push-ups every night while we were watching tv. I decided I am going to start doing that again. It isn't much but at least I will feel like I am doing something everyday. Besides my arms need some serious toneage (yeah I made that word up I think) before short sleeve weather rolls around.

Brad had mentioned maybe doing this no junk food/candy challenge every other month. I will have to see how I feel when March rolls around. Another idea was just having one day a week where we eat the junk food and candy. Who knows what I will end up deciding. I just love my candy and junk food and know that I am not ready to give it all up for good! I am really proud of myself that I did go a month. It is quite the accomplishment for me!

Bring on February and all of its delicious Valentines goodness!!!!!