Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Coop and His Bike

So Cooper got his bike for Christmas from my parents. It is one of the balancing ones without petals. This is supposed to help them learn balance earlier than when using training wheels. They are amazing! It has been crazy to see him go from not being able to touch the ground to being able to walk the bike around by himself in just 6 months. It is crazy how fast they really grow. We have been letting Cooper ride his bike more now that it's summer. He still hasn't gotten the hang of it completely but he is catching on. He likes you to push him more than he wants to do it on his own. But the more he does it the more comfortable he gets. He will be riding around in no time!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012 pics

I have been soooo bad at blogging for like the past month. Summer just got crazy and we were too busy having a good time. So here are some pics of what we have been up to!

hanging with daddy
playing with Holden
City Creek
good ole naps
lacrosse and soccer games
took of pajamas and diaper one morning in crib
bath time
found own sense of style
trying to get used to sitting on the potty
found a girlfriend
helping out around the house
loving the treats summer brings with it

Thursday, June 21, 2012

My Little Fish

We have been going to the pool quite often these past few weeks. It is so nice to have something that is fun and free and gets us out of the house. We have the pool in our neighborhood so all I have to do is walk across my driveway and I'm there. Then we also have the Pass of All Passes so we can go to Seven Peaks as much as we want. It is awesome. I LOVE the pool. I grew up living at the pool everyday in the summer. So I just assumed that is how my kids would grow up. Cooper enjoyed the pool last year but I wouldn't say LOVED it! He didn't like getting his face wet and wanted to be held most of the time. I was terrified he was going to be like his dad and not like the water. This year it couldn't be more different! He is obsessed with the pool. You say lets go swimming and he lights up. He asks to go swimming and to put on his suit. He has no fear what so ever. He will jump in, put his face under, you name it! My mom got him a puddle jumper life jacket and it is the best thing EVER!!! Cooper loves wearing it. He has so much freedom with it on. He can totally swim by himself with that thing. At Seven Peaks he will float around and around the lazy river all by himself. He doesn't like when you try to hold onto him. I am a little worried because he has no fear. He will jump off anything, dive into waves in the wave pool, and go down all the slides on his own....even without his life jacket on. It is so much fun taking him to the pool. It is so easy too! He is so independent and just loves playing. It makes for good nap times as well. I am completely in love with my little swimmer and couldn't be happier. I love that we can go have fun days like this together and make all of these memories! I must admit I am glad he got my water loving genes and not his dads! I don't know what I would do if my children didn't like the water!!!!!!!

Here is a video of Cooper jumping in...ignore my talking
(Sorry Nikki hopefully you don't mind)

Here is another one of him just floating around.....again ignore me and the wind!!!!

These videos were a couple of weeks ago. It is amazing how much he has already improved from then!