Monday, January 30, 2012 starts young!

So as I mentioned earlier our laptop's hard drive crashed. I woke up to an error message and freaked out. I didn't know what to do. I hurried and transferred some pictures to an external hard drive but that was all I could do. The computer crashed shortly after. Brad being the handy computer techy that he is, was able to fix it for us. All he had to do was order the part online and then fix it. I love that I have a husband who knows about computers. I am horrible when it comes to that kind of thing. I can do the few things that I need but that is it.

Brad pulled out some of his tools and started working away. Cooper saw the tools and knew he just needed to help. It doesn't matter what the tool, he is obsessed and wants to use it. He loves hammers, measuring tapes, screw drivers, WHATEVER!!!! He climbed right up on the chair and started helping daddy. He sat here and played with the tools the whole time Brad was fixing the laptop. I love that only his little head could be seen. It's amazing because he knows what to do with different things. It is like it comes programmed in boys how to use tools.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

18 months old

I can't believe it but Cooper is 18 months old. It makes me so sad that he is closer to turning 2 than he is to turning 1. We went in for his check-up on the 17th. Our pediatrician Dr. Shellie Ring is amazing! She actually took over my pediatricians practice so we have been going to her for a long time. She was Chase and Aspen's pediatrician but by the time she came around I didn't really have to go to the pediatrician much. She is young and bubbly and so nice. We just LOVE her!!! Anyways she just moved offices and is now at the Riverton hospital. This was our first appointment at the new office. The only down side is the old office was right next to Brad's work so it was easy for him to come. Now it is so far that he wasn't able to make it.

Cooper was so funny at the new office. He wasn't so sure about the new people and the new environment. The elevator totally freaked him out! He was a big boy and walked from the car inside but once the elevator started moving he wanted to be held, then once we got off he wanted down again. In the rooms there is a full length mirror and a computer. He couldn't get enough of either. It was so hard trying to get him to not play with the keyboard and mouse. Once Dr. Ring came in he froze. He had no emotion on his face and wouldn't talk at all. He just stared at her the whole time. But at least he didn't cry! Cooper looked perfectly healthy. He even passed the autism evaluation that they do at the 18 month check-up. Not that I was worried but it is still nice to hear! The best part of the appointment was NO SHOTS!!!!! Cooper surprised us with how much he has grown. He has always been low on the percentage charts but not this time baby! He weighs as much now as I gained when I was pregnant with him. I don't know how I did it....he is a tub to carry around!

Cooper 18 month stats:
weight: 25.79 lbs 49%
height: 32.48 in 56%
head: 18.9 in 57%

Cooper is so much fun at this age. He has turned into a toddler. He is talking up a storm and is so independent.

Words Cooper is saying (that I can remember):

dad (Da)
papa (what he calls my dad)
baby (rocks his arms like is he holding a baby when he says this)
his version of "what's this"
finished (his own version of course)
uh oh
fruff (dog)
wa (water) and touches his nose at the same time
buddy and Inna for Indiana
tickle, tickle, tickle
animals sounds: dog, horse, cow, fish, elephant, lizard (sticks his tongue out), monkey, lion, bear, bird

Cooper Things now a days
  • when he needs or wants his diaper changed he goes and gets a diaper then lays down for you to change him
  • runs upstairs when you say lets take a bath
  • understands so much! All day I say certain things and he completely understands me
  • is officially forward facing in the car seat
  • takes one nap a day
  • Still does almost everything I mentioned in his 15 months update
  • points to everything and wants you to tell him what it is
  • loves to look at himself in the mirror
  • is a total put a hat or scarf on him and he rushes to the mirror to check himself out
  • loves headbands, sunglasses or anything he can put on his head
  • doesn't like high chairs at restaurants he wants to sit at the booth. But actually eats better this way anyways
He hit is face on our neighbors stairs. It was quite traumatic and lots of blood involved. His lips were so swollen he looked like a different baby for about 2 days. But he didn't let it stop him at all.
  • runs and puts his dirty clothes in the laundry room after he is changed
  • has discovered how to unzip his feetie pajamas so he is usually half dressed when he wakes up
  • runs like a maniac
  • insists on using forks/spoons when eating
  • has quite the arm.....this kid can throw
  • has 14 teeth
  • LOVES the swimming 360 from the summer. He puts his head under, runs around, goes down the slide, plays hard, jumps off the edge with no hesitation and likes his face getting splashed
  • loves giving hugs and kisses
  • repeats words when you tell him to
  • every time he goes upstairs he pats his leg and makes this noise (almost like a kissing noise) with his mouth to get Indiana to follow him
  • so always going a million miles a minute and you have no clue what he is saying most of the time
talking and climbing at it's best

Cooper is definitely a crazy, energetic, loud, BOY but we wouldn't have him any other way. He has made the past year and half so exciting. I can't wait to see what else this child has in store for us!!!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunday nap

Now that our church is at 9:00 we are able to come home and nap after church. It is amazing! I hadn't napped until last week. I have been working on my Personal Progress (the leaders can earn it as well) so I have been doing that while the boys nap. But last week Cooper was fighting going down for a nap. So I was watching tv with him and he fell asleep on my lap. I contemplated putting him in his crib but he never falls asleep on me so I wanted to take in the moment.

Brad and Indiana were sleeping on the other couch so I just laid down with Cooper on me and decided I would nap as well.

Cooper and I slept for 2 hours and Brad slept for a total of 4 hours. Ha ha he walked straight in from church, laid on the couch and was out!

He will probably hate me for posting this, but this is Brad after being home from church for less than 5 min. I almost filmed it because he was snoring ha ha. I even had to take his shoes off for him.
We must have all been exhausted and really needed the nap! I love that we all have beds but were all sleeping on the couches. Proof that the new couches are oh so comfy!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

When It's TOO Quiet

Lately when it is too quiet you know Cooper is up to something he isn't supposed to be doing. It could be getting in the dishwasher, drawers he isn't supposed to be in, scooping Indiana's water out of his bowl, playing in the toilet, climbing on the kitchen table, getting into the garbage, dumping the laundry soap out of the box, playing with the vacuum, getting into rooms/closest that he isn't supposed to, etc. I think you get the point that Cooper finds anything he isn't supposed to be doing. We even try keeping all the doors closed but if they are not shut completely he will notice. Keep in mind we have child proofed and have gates and doors closed and he STILL finds a way to make mischief! The other night when we noticed it was too quiet this is what we found.

It was funny because he wasn't even playing with anything. He was just hiding in there with what he thought was a closed door. He wanted to be in there just because he knows he isn't supposed to play in the pantry. He is soooo funny!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

keeping calm

Lately we have had many moments where I have to pause and think before I react. I don't always make the right decision but I am learning! The other day after dinner Brad and I were cleaning up the kitchen and I turn around to this. I could have acted two different ways. I could have yelled and put Cooper in time out and been frustrated or I could have done what I did. I took a step back and looked at how much fun he was having. The mess was already made, there was no stopping it, so why not take it in and enjoy it. I grabbed the camera and caught the moment. We have SO MANY moments like these lately. Cooper is definitely a toddler and not a baby anymore. He gets in to things and does things he knows he isn't supposed to. I can't tell you how many times he has gotten in trouble for climbing onto the kitchen table. But yet he still does it countless times a day. I am so glad I caught this moment because we can look back and laugh at how crazy our Cooper is. I just need to remember to take in moments like this rather than reacting and getting upset over something so silly. I just got the vacuum out and voila the mess was gone. Easy peasy!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


His eyes look so tired. Poor thing had to be woken up then hurried and dressed.

But he still looks quite handsome if I do say so myself!

Well the day finally came......Cooper turned 18 months old and was able to go to nursery. We have really been looking forward to this day. Church has been IMPOSSIBLE!!! Brad hadn't been able to attend Elder's Quorum in months. Cooper being crazy partnered with 1:00 church didn't make it possible. Since I teach Young Women's every week Brad was the one that was forced to take Cooper home. Cooper has so much energy, wants to run around, be loud, and isn't about to hold still and be quiet in church. I wish he could have gone to nursery months ago.

Well Sunday morning I had the nervous knot/empty pit feeling in my stomach. I was really anxious about how Cooper would handle nursery. I fully expected him to love it and jump right in but it could have easily gone just the opposite. Well Brad and I both took him in. One of my old YW parents were the nursery leaders so that was a nice surprise. They welcomed him by name and knew just who he was. I plopped him down with a toy and left. He did amazing! He didn't even really notice or care that we were gone. I think he was too locked on a little girl who was screaming bloody murder. I have to was a relief it wasn't my child screaming.

After Sunday school I went and peeked thru the window on the door to see how he was doing. It was snack time and they were all sitting at a tiny little table in tiny little chairs. Cooper looked so grown up. I wish I would have had my camera to take a picture, it was the cutest thing ever! He was completely content eating his goldfish and pretzels. I was so proud!!!

I wanted to go together to get Cooper after church. I went over there just to peek in until Brad got out but Cooper was out in the hall and he had a tear in his eye. It broke my heart. So I just took him and didn't wait for Brad. It turns out right at the end he decided he was done. I just looked at him and could tell he was EXHAUSTED. The primary leader had taken him out to walk around in the hall because she didn't want him being traumatized on his first day at nursery. Being out in the hall calmed him down so that was a relief. The primary leader said he almost fell asleep in her lap. This never happens so you knew he was tired.

We had to wake him up to make it to church at 9 so he hadn't gotten his full nights sleep. I love 9:00 church way better than 1:00. 1:00 is Cooper's nap time so church was miserable. Last week he was an angel thru all 3 meetings because he wasn't tired and grumpy. But both weeks we have had to wake him up to go to church. But I will take 9:00 church any day!!!!


Well our laptop crashed so I had to put blogging on hold. Yeah I could have done it on the computer upstairs or the ipad but that just isn't realistic :)

We have had another week of Cooper going to nursery. It was a disaster. Remember earlier when I said it was a relief it wasn't my child screaming???? Well this week it was. He freaked out the whole time he was in there. He would be fine for a few minutes and then start crying again. I really felt so awful!!!! Brad finally ended up going in there to try and calm him down but couldn't leave so he just took him out of nursery during Priesthood. It was awful! I had like 5 people come up to me and say "He is having a hard time in there!" Yes I know!!! I don't need you making me feel more guilty than I already do! I felt sick to my stomach and anxiety ridden for all of Sunday School and in YW. I hated it! I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if it was better to just leave him in there or go in and help or just take him out. I sent someone in there to ask if they wanted me coming in and they said no. Then I peeked in the window and the nursery leader gave me a thumbs up. So I didn't go in.

This week I will probably try something different than just letting him cry the whole time. We will have to see how it will go. It is the 5th Sunday so I don't have to teach so I can take care of him and not Brad. I am hoping he was just tired last week. He had woken up at 7:45 rather than closer to 9:00. So here is to hoping next week will be easier :)

Of course being the mom that I am. I had to capture Cooper's first day of nursery.

Cooper's first church handout......LOVE!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

best dance partner

I am that crazy person that is always dancing around my house. Mr. C has become my little dancing buddy. Brad just thinks we are nuts! But Mr. C enjoys it and thinks I rock! Usually it is crazy dancing to upbeat songs. I am a horrible dancer so it's an adventure seeing what we come up with. Mr. C's classic move is spinning in circles.

Just awhile ago I was introduced to Pandora. How had I never heard of it??? It is our new best friend. Baby and I listen to music all day long! One of our new favorites are Disney songs :) They are just classic and fun to dance with baby too and you can't help but singing along as well. Again this is something only Mr. C would appreciate :) The other night a slow song came on so we slowed things down a bit. Baby loved it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Motivation and a Challenge

So I finally got the motivation I needed to start working out and eating healthier. When I was nursing (until Cooper turned one) I hardly ever worked out and I ate whatever I wanted. I was one of those people that nursing helps you lose all of your body weight. I was VERY lucky! I actually was smaller after having Cooper then I was when I got pregnant. But I got so comfortable eating however and whatever I wanted and not working out that when I stopped nursing I started gaining weight. Let me be honest when I say I eat like a little kid or a teenage boy. I love anything junk food, candy, fast food, etc. Since I stopped nursing I have gained about 8 pounds. I know that probably doesn't seem like a lot to some people. But to me it is a ton. When I gain weight I gain it in my face :( A couple of weeks ago it just hit me! I was looking at pictures from even just August and realized how much thinner by face looked then. My clothes have started fitting tighter and I just hate it. I actually wanted to lose weight and get more fit from the weight I was at when I stopped nursing. I need to be more my arms and legs especially! I want to get at my ideal weight/fit before I get pregnant again. My face got so chubby when I was pregnant with Cooper and I already feel as if it's chubby now. So I need to get going or who knows what it would look like with the next baby. In high school I was swimming/working out twice a day on upwards of like 4 hours. I was in fantastic shape. Of course I didn't see it then :) But since high school I have not had a regular workout routine at all. I am HORRIBLE when it comes to working out. I get lazy and caught up and just never get into a routine that lasts. I ALWAYS can think of a better excuse then to workout. I don't know why though because every time after I am done working out I feel amazing and so energized. I try to workout when Cooper is napping but it is like do I workout or shower or do chores around the house while I can???

I keep complaining to Brad about me gaining weight and the way I am feeling. So I decided to do something about it. I decided I was going to go without junk food for all of January. Brad being the supportive husband he is decided to do it with me. If I were to see Brad eating something I would want it and give in. I have no self control apparently when it comes to food! I came across this No Junk Food Challenge on a blog and thought it would be perfect. I am not one for dieting. Remember this that I tried doing with Brad back in July. Well Brad did awesome but I lasted a whole 2 days. I was starving and all I craved was stuff that I couldn't have! So I am taking a different approach. Here is what we are doing:

No chocolate
No candy
No biscuits or cookies
No cakes, donuts or muffins
No pastries
No white bread
No chips
No fast food
No nutella, peanut butter or other naughty spreads
No ice cream

The challenge was originally for 21 days but we are going to do it for the month. I really am hoping I can stick to this and complete it. I feel like I never can stick to anything when it comes to working out or eating better. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that not eating these foods for a month is going to make me lose all the weight. It is just the jump start I need to get motivated. I am also working out this month. So hopefully both combined will get me headed in the right direction.

It has been one week since we started the challenge. Things are going great! I have really been fine without all the things above. I haven't really craved anything or thought I was dying if I couldn't have something like I did with the 17 day diet. I have had to turn down things in some situations- chips and a Capri Sun at mutual on Wednesday, candy at a friends house, and I haven't gone to McDonalds in over a week that is good work! I noticed how much of Cooper's snacks I was eating too. I would always much on his fruit snacks, fig neutons, gold fish crackers, marshmallows, etc. Really every time I feed him and don't eat it I realize how many munchy things I was eating thru out the day. Even if it was just one or two things of his it has really made a difference. I only worked out twice last week but I am so going to do better this week! I'm so excited that this is going better than I had expected!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Family Photos in December

In December we did family pictures so that we could send out our Christmas card. Our good friend Jason did them for us. I had this vision of taking them in front of just green Christmas trees like at a tree farm or something. But I had no idea where to do them however. Then we were driving by the Jordan SLCC campus and we saw a big bunch of trees. It worked perfectly! It was the perfect weather on the day we did them. It was a little warmer and sunny so we weren't freezing. Cooper wasn't too big into the idea however. He just wanted to run around. So we were jumping and running and throwing him just to get some smiles. We did however get some decent ones!

Jump N' Bounce

I had been dying to take Cooper to a blow up bouncy place. He is so crazy and adventurous I thought it would be right up his alley. So last Friday after Brad got home from work we headed out. I had looked online to find a place and surprisingly there was one just down the street from our house. It was super affordable! Cooper was only $3 and then Brad and I were $5 each. There is no time limit so you can stay as long as you want.

Cooper hadn't taken a nap that day so I was a little concerned about how he would do. When he is tired he gets really clingy and hesitant and isn't his normal curious self. It was perfect because it actually wasn't too busy.

We started Cooper off with this little slide. He loved it! He wasn't scared to crawl into the bouncy thing, he would climb up the latter steps and loved going down the slides.

He would even go down by himself. He was giggling and loving it. We were in a thing by ourselves so he was in heaven.

sliding all by himself

Then we took him over to where tons of kids were. He went nuts. He started running around and being crazy with all the other kids. Then I think the chaos and no naps got to him. He got pretty mellow.

He still explored and wanted to go down the slides but wasn't as giggly.He wasn't scared to climb thru, over, or under any of the obstacles. Don't let his tiny little body fool you into thinking he was too small for the obstacles! He loved it all.

We stayed for maybe an hour because it was dinner time and Cooper was worn out I think. Brad was worn out too. He was going just as crazy as Cooper. He kept diving over things and hurting himself. He even got a rug burn on his elbow. It was hilarious watching him be silly with Cooper. I am the more refined grown up in the family :)

Here is a little glimpse of our no fear baby

We will definitely being going back there soon!

I walked outside before Cooper and Brad and this is what I turned around too!