Monday, April 18, 2011

Standing Everywhere

Now that Cooper can pull himself up to stand, he refuses to do anything but stand up at things. He has kind of figured out how to get back down which is really just him falling. Because he is trying to figure it out still, he has many accidents where he falls and hits his head or gets scared so he cries. It breaks my heart when he hurts himself but I know he has to learn how to figure these kinds of things out. I mentioned earlier how I had a hard time moving his mattress down because I loved going in and having him standing to greet me. Well he has figured out how to stand again with the mattress lower. He's still little so he has to reach his hands and stretch but he gets up and stands there. I love it! Seeing his cute little face peeking over the top of the crib is the best! Here are some examples of where he insists on standing.

Had to watch the bath tub fill with water
(Probably my new all time favorite pic)

Always standing at the kitchen chairs

Brad was making cookies and he stood up to look at what was inside
and found himself. He kept kissing his reflection.

Bath time is more of a process but also more fun at the same time. He is constantly standing up and grabbing at the faucet or just standing and giggling. The many faces of Cooper.


  1. He is so stinking cute! I love the bathtub bum picture!

  2. He is adorable! I love how happy he is for bath time.

  3. I love his little bum! So cute that you snapped that picture! I have pictures like that of all my kids and love them.

  4. Oh my, that is the cutest little bum picture! Love it!
