Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ward Talent Show :)

Our ward had its annual ward talent show tonight. The bishop had asked each auxiliary to participate in the talent show. **The Young Men and Primary however got out of it somehow** Therefore since I am in the Young Women I was volunteered to participate. Last year we had to participate and it was just embarrassing being up there. So this year we came up with a fantastic plan where we wouldn't be recognized during our performance. This took lots of planning and practicing but it was fun to put together. We kept it a total secret and NO ONE knew what we were going to be doing. I even managed to keep Brad in the dark and he had no idea what we had planned. I was really excited and hoped that it would come together and be a success. Brad recorded the performance so ENJOY!!! I hear it looked lots better in person but oh well.
p.s. I am the retard on the left who messed up right in the beginning.


  1. Your recording turned out much better than mine, even though it looks like I don't have a head!
