Tuesday, April 19, 2011


9 Month Stats:
Weight- 18 lbs 4 oz (20%)
Height-27 3/4 in (40%)
Head-17 3/4 in (50%)

I honestly can't believe that my baby is 9 months old. I can't believe he has gotten so big. He is at such a perfectly cute age. He loves to play. His favorite toys right now are his fire truck, walker, this monkey ball that he can push around and makes monkey noises, Noah's ark and animals that Grandpa Jim made, musical tool set, books, and anything he isn't supposed to have (ex. Indiana's food/water dish, laptop, phones, remotes, pens). But his all time favorite is his ball. He loves to catch, throw, roll, chase, and just hold it. He lights up and gets so excited when he sees it. He really can be entertained with anything you give him though. He LOVES to play with Indiana. He chases him around the house and Indiana reciprocates the love for playing with Cooper. I love that they are buds. He has 4 teeth (5th one is about to appear according to his pediatrician) so he eats everything. He still loves anything you feed him. He loves (just to name a few things) peanut butter sandwiches, grilled cheese, spaghetti, oatmeal, yogurt, oranges, bananas, strawberries, his Gerber puffs (any flavor), cooked veggies, and rice. He is crawling all over the place. Cords are still one of his favorites. He stands on everything and loves going up the stairs. He will even take a few steps with his walker with a little help. He has finally figured out the sippy cup that I introduced at 6 months. He has realized it isn't just a teething toy or something to squeak his teeth on. It doesn't matter if there is juice or water in it either. He has had 2 haircuts. It is amazing he just sits there and lets me do it. Nap times have become a struggle recently. Since he can stand up in the crib, he does and screams because he doesn't want to lay down. He will fall asleep in the car with no problem though. So getting anything accomplished is a challenge. I am hoping he gets over this little phase soon! We started limiting binky time about a month ago. He used to always have it attached to him but now his binky stays in his crib and he has another one he gets in the car seat but only when he's tired or grumpy. When it was attached he was always sticking it in his mouth when he was playing. He hasn't even cared he doesn't have it around the house anyways. Cooper is a mama's boy still but he absolutely LOVES his daddy. When Brad walks in the room he lights up and when he walks away when we are in public Cooper gets worried and makes the saddest face and fusses until Brad comes back. It's so sweet! Cooper is the most wiggly climbing babbling little monkey that I have ever seen!!!

9 Month Stats:
Weight- 18 lbs 4 oz (20%)
Height-27 3/4 in (40%)
Head-17 3/4 in (50%)


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