Monday, October 25, 2010

We LOVE Tummy Time

Okay so maybe Cooper doesn't always love tummy time but he looks pretty cute doing it. I didn't used to put Cooper on his tummy for very long because every time I did he spit up a ton and wasn't strong enough to lift his face out of it and it would break my heart. But now he has the strongest little neck and loves looking around during tummy time. As I have mentioned before my child doesn't have much fat on him and that especially goes for his back. When he is doing tummy time and lifting his head you see these little muscles all down his back. It's crazy because you wouldn't think of a baby being "muscly" but I think that because he doesn't have any chub yet to hide the muscles you see them.

Smiling like crazy

I'm pretty sure he was trying to eat something because he was being hilarious with his little tongue

He LOVES his fists

He still gets his little wrinkly forehead and his big eyes....I love it!

Not very often but occasionally he falls asleep during tummy time

He is looking soooo big

He is getting a ton more hair and hasn't really lost any yet

Strong baby

Okay so in the next few he was doing naked tummy time and I don't know if it was the design on the blanket he was on or his fist but he was concentrating really hard and it was making him look like a little monkey (which happens a lot and hence why I calm him MONKEY) his eyes were going cross-eyed it was just too funny!

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