Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Little Boy's Best Friend

I am a true believer that every child should have a pet. I always had a dog from the day I was born. I loved it! I have already seen the bond between Cooper and Indiana. They are just best buds and keep each other entertained. I love watching them together.

Cooper follows him around with the leash and tries to put it on Indiana.

Cooper tries talking to him.
He has this voice/tone he only uses when talking to Indiana.
They play fetch.
Cooper chases him around.
They give each other kisses.
They relax and watch tv together.
Indiana is always by Cooper's side.
Indiana runs up and waits for you to come when Cooper wakes up from naps.
Cooper loves to play in Indiana's bed and kennel.

Here is my proof on why every child needs a pet!

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