Monday, August 8, 2011

Figuring It Out

Cooper has taken a few steps here and there when we try to work with him. Every time we set him down or try to make him walk he would rather just crawl. He knows he fast at crawling so he just prefers it. He will stand by himself all of the time. He will even stand on the couch with no support so we know he can do it! We were sure he would have been walking before he was 1. He did everything early but this didn't happen with walking. He will be 13 months in 1 week so hopefully he walks soon. Tonight I was gone and Brad recorded this!

Cooper was in bed by the time I got home. I am excited for tomorrow to see if he continues to walk so that I can actually see it in person. Can't believe my baby is old enough to walk. But I have to say I haven't seen such a cute little body wobble and try to balance. I just love my little monkey!


  1. ok...tears are literally streaming down my cheeks as I watch these first real steps!! I love this grandson of mine!!xoxo GO COOP!!!!

  2. It took Megan a while to walk too!! She took her first steps and then a few months later she started to actually walk!!
