Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cooper's First Tooth

Well it's official.....Cooper got his first tooth. We woke up yesterday and his bottom right tooth had cut through. It's crazy how exciting something like this really feels. It's bitter sweet because he's hitting all of these big milestones but at the same time it means he's growing up and soon won't be my little baby boy anymore. I know that everyone always says time really goes by too quickly when it relates to your children. But you don't grasp the truth behind that statement until you are living it.

Teething hasn't been as bad as I expected. At least this far. I've heard the top teeth are brutal. Well for Cooper teething has entailed lots of drooling (which like I've said before I will take tons of drool over spit up any day). He has had the constant runny nose. Wakes up more than usual in the middle of the night. But usually some baby Orajel, a little bounce from mom, and his binky usually do the trick of putting him back to sleep. I don't know that I would say he has been a lot fussier than normal. Cooper is a pretty happy baby. He has his moments where he throws fits. Yes, the arm flailing has already begun. But right now it's just funny watching his throw a fit. He's had a few times where he just screams but after some baby Orajel or some ibuprofen and being held he calms down. It's been nice because I have been able to rock him to sleep more. I have always been very big on putting him to bed awake so he learns to put himself to sleep and to self sooth. He usually is great at going to sleep on his own. But I have noticed a few times that he wants to just be held and rocked and I am totally fine with the that. Yesterday I was rocking him and he was looking around the room so intensely like usual, but then he totally relaxed, laid his head on my shoulder and fell asleep. It was the most precious thing. I didn't want to lay him in his crib.

Soon this cute little mouth is going to be full of teeth

Cooper got his 2nd bottom tooth the day after. So crazy!!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Before you know it he'll be walking. They grow up so quickly!
