Friday, December 10, 2010

Craft Me Some Christmas

So since I have been a stay at home mom I have gotten the itch to craft. It started out with me sewing some skirts for Young Women's and it has kind of just escalated. I have made burp clothes, bink links, wipe case covers, a car seat cover, and some other things that I can't think of right now. But once Christmas hit I got the itch to make some cute decorations for my house. Christmas is our absolute favorite holiday in the Harline house. We have to get the house decorated the day after Thanksgiving because we are so excited. Two years ago we actually decorated Thanksgiving night :) Brad is cute and gets SO EXCITED to decorate for holidays, but Christmas tops the list by far. And we went all out this year because next year we know we will be limited with what we can do because we will have a 1 1/2 year old walking around!

If you know me real well you know that I am not by any means creative or crafty on my own. So luckily I have a lot of friends that are and I can steal their ideas and have them help me! I really love how everything turned out.

Here is my advent calendar that I made with my friend Codie. This took us probably 5 hours to do. It was a ton of work but so worth it. I made one for my mom and mother-in-law as well.

The GRINCH....some sisters from the ward I grew up in started a craft day and this is what we made for December. It was a ton of fun and my sister Aspen got to go and make one as well.

My gumball wreath


  1. I want all of those! SUPER cute! Great job!

  2. are you going to make the "HOME" with us in January? you SO should! Its been too long
