Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Utah Blaze Game

A few weekends ago we went to a Blaze game with Brad's Cousin and his wife. My cousin is a dancer for the Blaze so my 2 aunts, cousins fiance, grandma and grandpa were also at the game. We were able to sit next to my family because there were a lot of empty seats. Cooper was a trooper! The game went until 10:30 and he is usually in bed by 8. He got a little restless towards the end because he wanted to crawl around. The Blaze lost but it was still intense and really fun. The second he hit the car seat he was out! I love being able to experience fun family activities like this. It is even more fun now that we have a baby. I kind of make a point of doing fun things where he can go with us. Yes that means not as many movies as we used to. Brad doesn't like this. Going to movies is probably one of his favorite things to do. I think he will like when Cooper gets a little older and we can go to the kid movies and take him.

The noise didn't even seem to bother him. I got ear plugs incase it was too loud for him. But he would not keep them in. He was happier without them.

He refuses to keep shoes or socks on his feet so he always looks like an orphan baby.

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